Discover our exclusive range of streetwear sunglasses. Our collection is self produced and fully handmade in Italy and comes with 100% UV protection making them the complete streetwear glasses to accompany any luxury look.
Our streetwear sunglasses come in a rounded glass style and feature a matte black, vintage gold, silver and matte tortoise design making them some of the most unique eyewear accessories on the market.
Our current streetwear sunglasses range features our iconic spirit angle on the side, however keep an eye out on our socials as we are always innovating and evolving our streetwear glasses and accessories.
Many of our customers complete their luxury streetwear look with our streetwear pants or streetwear hoodies as to get the ultimate luxury look you want to be head to toe in Represent, so check out our streetwear sneakers and ooze luxury. If you're heading out in the sun, then be sure to also check out our extensive range of mesh shorts, cargo shorts, and swim shorts.
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